Phoebe Hemenway Legere


Acker Award Art Show CTV Gallery NYC 2025

Vanda Gallery New Rochelle, NY (Group) 2025

Green Door Gallery Millburn, NJ (Group) 2025

White Box Gallery NYC 2024

National Association of Women Artists Juried Group 2024

National Arts Club (Group) 2024

Everywoman Biennial, NYC 2024

Arthaus, (Solo), Allentown, PA, 2023 Deborah Rabinsky, Curator

Phoebe Legere is Chelsea Blick Artist-in-Residence SOLO 2023 2023

14C Art Festival, Jersey City 2023

Museum of Art & Design, New York City Sound Installation and Drawing of Machine Dazzle 2023

Small File Film Festival, (Group) Simon Fraser University, Jury Selection, Hand-Painted NFT 2022-24

Hôtel La Villa, (Group), Nice, France 2022

Chashama Chelsea, (Group) 320 W. 23 NYC, 2022 Jasper Johns, Curator

La Mama Galleria (Group) 47 Great Jones St. NYC, 2022

Bundy Museum, (Solo) Binghamton, NY 2022

Dwight Derby House, (Solo) Medfield Ma, 2021

Everywoman Biennial (Group) New York 2021 

National Arts Club Invitational (Group) York 2021, 2022 Laura Galvin, Curator

SuperChief Gallery New York 2021 Finley, Curator

215 Gallery (Group) NYC 2021

Baum Art School Gallery, (Group) Allentown, PA 2020

Abolik Gallery, (Solo) Emmaus, PA 2020

Every Woman Biennial NYC  2019
Nyack Art Museum, Juried Show to benefit Nyack LGBTQ Pride Center Nyack, New York 2019

Dixon Place, (Solo), Wearable sculpture/ (Performance Art) The Joe Carstairs Story (2018 commission)
Buttonwood Arts Center,(Solo), Middletown, Connecticut 2018
La Mama Galleria (Group) 47 Great Jones St. New York City 2018
Whitney Houston Biennial, (Group), 325 West Broadway, New York City 2018
Arts Garage (Solo) Delray Beach, Florida 2017
Westbeth Artists Space,(Group), New York City 2017
PULSE Festival, (Group) Miami , Florida 2016
TNC Gallery, (Solo), 2015
Silk Gallery (Solo) 2014 

New York Underground Museum Gallery (Group) 2013
Installation One Maryle Bones London 2011
TNC Gallery (Group) 2010
Fusion Arts (group) 2009
Loisaida Group Show TNC Gallery 2009
TNC Gallery (Solo)2008
Location One(Solo) 2007

SVA Digital Salon New York City Group) 2006 

 Ciberart Festival Project Room, Bilbao, Spain 2005
Thailand Digiart Festival Traveling 2004
Briggs Robinson Gallery , (Group)New York City 2003
World Wide Gallery, (Group)  Chicago 2002
Ragdale Gallery, (Group) Lake Forest, Ill 2001
Vered Gallery (Group)  East Hampton, NY 2000

Elaine Benson Gallery (Solo) Bridgehampton, NY
Fringe Gallery,(Group)  Hong Kong 2000 

Darius Gubala Gallery 1997-2009)

Real Art Gallery  (Curator, Charlie Finch) 1992

Bundy Museum (solo) 2022

Leslie-Lohman Permanent Collection Selection 2010

A Priori (solo) Patterson Art Museum 2007

NY Underground Museum 2006-2013

Brooklyn Museum (Performance Art 2006

Pompidou Museum, IRCAM”S Resonances_Aux Festival, Paris 2004

Speculative Video Festival San Francisco 2003
Really Big Festival, Australia 2003
Vision Festival 2002
Venice Biennial, Nomad Video Wall 1996
Mixology Festival Roulette 2004-2009
Gay Village, Rome Italy 2012


Decordova Museum Prep

Juilliard School

Vassar College, BA, Art , Linda Nochlin Advisor
New England Conservatory
New York University
School of Visual Arts
MFA Computer Art Program, SVA Perry Hoberman Advisor 2005 City College
Academic Appointments
Visiting Professor, Gallatin School, NYU

2010-2014 Artist in Residence, University of Victoria PhD program 2005
Guest Lecturer, University of Illinois 2004
Artist in Residence, Graduate School of Computer Art 2003
School of Visual Arts New York City 2003
Artist in Residence University of Texas at Austin 2003
Guest Lecturer, University of South Florida, 2002 


Executive Director, Artistic Director, Founder, Foundation for New American Art, 2014 – present

Head Writer, Designer, Host, The Color Wheel (Educational Cultural Children’s TV Show) 2020-present

Music Director, Conductor, Lower East Side Children’s Chorus 2019 -Present
National Director of the New York Underground Museum 2006 –2014
Writer, on-air host for Roulette TV which is about the extreme frontier edge of art and music. 2001-2014
Art Teacher, Ruhe Foundation

Art Teacher Schoodic School

Art Teacher, Materials for the Arts

Marquis De Slime (writer,star, soundtrack) Canal +,1995; Shame, Depravity and Lesbianism in the Twilight of a Dying Civilization(Live Painting, Live Art, Music, Projection, Dramatic Text, Movement) Fringe Festival 1996; 100 Years of Times Square Sleaze (Book, Music, Sets, Costumes) China Club 1997; The Bull Wedding (Performance, Video with Hunter Thompson) 1999; The Waterclown(Text, Improvised melody, w/Cleveland Chamber Symphony) 2000, Queen of New England (experimental multimedia opera, book, music, projections) 2001; Vision Festival, (w/Ikue Morie , Jim Staley) 2002; Phoebe Songbundle, Ramapo Lenape Powwow 2002-4; Scientific expeditions to Tibet, Madagascar, China, Suriname (Video, Music, Painting, Visual Culture)
2002 - 2004; Hello Mrs. President (book, music, sets) 2004; Common Root of All Organisms, Einstein Records, (Performance, Text, improvisation, recording)2004; U. of Texas Austin 2005; The Prairie, (Performance, Text, improvisation, recording) U. of Illinois 2005; RECENT: Installation, Chromatic Wave Cantata, Ciberart Festival Project Room, Bilbao, Spain 2006; A Priori: Homage to Barney Newman (Paintings, Constructions, Video, Sound) Paterson Art Museum 2006; The Unknown Woman Artist,(Live Art) Brooklyn Museum of Art 2007; Chromatic Wave Cantata, Digital Salon, SVA New York City 2007; Howl Festival 2006-9; Opening, New York Underground Museum (Live Art, Curation) 2007; Dark Harbor for Sneakers and String Quartet, Location One 2007;
Invisible Opera, Location One 2008; Thailand Digiart Festival 2007; BAM Cafe, (Mutant Accordion, Piano, Sneakers) 2008; A Few Words from my Intestine(Live Art, Projections, Sculptural Costume)2008; Theater for the New City 2008-9; Steim, Amsterdam, (Residency, 

Mixed Sound+Visual Sneaker Performance) 2009; Gadgetfest,(Live Art, Sneakers as Improv. tool) Governor's Island 2009; IRCAM'S Resonances_Aux Festival (Sneakers, audio and visual) 2009; Woodstock Quantum Ensemble at the Deep Listening Festival (Sneakers, Shamanic drumming)2009; Mix Festival (Performance, Art) 2010; Le Petit Versailles (Improvisations on ancient Abenaki/Penobscot chants, w/Projections and Sneakers)2010;“Teenage Weimar" at One Maryle Bones, London 2010; Astrophysics for Young Lovers 2010-2011 Soundcheck WNYC and Iridium; Mass in Blue, Avery Fisher Hall 2011; "Female Caligula" w/ "Pulsing Light" Sensor suit, Live Art) Gay Village,Rome 2011; Solo exhibition and performance, Darius Gubala Gallery; 2011 Howl Happening #3 at New York Underground Museum (performance curation, exhibition) 2011; National Arts Club MC, Love and Courage (Performance)2012 Publications: My Poems have been published in Daniel Pinchbeck's Open City (1995), Anne Hemenway's Daily Weekly (1989) Gary Azon's Poetry Journal (1989-2007) and the New York Times (1994) My epic and scientific poems have been published in their entirety by Einstein:Blue Curtain (2000); The Waterclown (2002) Dark Energy (2005) Never Ending (2006) The Prairie (2007), Common Root of All Organisms (2008) Remembrance of Things Grossberg (Monograph on Larry Rivers) Downtown Magazine 1997; Hunter S. Thompson interview 1999 reprinted in Ancient Gonzo Wisdom: Interviews with Hunter S. Thompson (2009)Performance Avery Fisher Hall, Featured Soprano, Mass in Blue, 2011 “The Shamancycle” a 15 person monster Eagle bicycle sculpture that runs on Alternative Energy, presented at Burning Man 2013, and Sparks Sacramento 2014. There is a stage on top for Live Art. I staged a 15 person transmedia performance at Center Camp Burning Man 2013. “Shakespeare and Elizabeth,” Book, Music, Lyrics and expanded paintings 2013-2014 

Noteworthy collaborations:
Legere & Jack Smith: The Big Bacchanal of Avenue B

Legere & Ethyl Eichelberger: Toulouse Women
Legere & Joey Arias: Caligula Returns
Legere & Jack Waters: The 3 Jacks
Legere & Ethan Shoshan: The Mix Festival

Legere & Larry Rivers: Video, Music, Art

Legere & Hunter Thompson: Video, Art, Sound

Legere & Allen Ginsberg: Music & Poetry

Legere & David Bowie: Art, Music

Legere & Joni Mitchell: Music

Legere & Billy Joel: Music

Legere & Lena Dunham : HBO

Legere & Hilary Knight: Art, Music, Performance Art, Film

Legere & John Hammond, Don Cherry, Brian Eno, Dean Johnson, John Sex, Nick Zedd, Ela Troyano, John Ashbery, Peter Beard, RuPaul etc. etc.

 Prizes, Grants, Honors:
Acker Award for Service to the Avant Garde 2017/ Nominated for Pulitzer Prize 2000/ Jerome Foundation Grant for Emerging Playwrights: Hello Mrs. President /New York State Council of the Arts: Queen of New England (2000) /YADDO Fellow: 2020/ Dixon Place Queer Art Commision of the Year/ Artist in Residence: School of Visual Arts 2003-4 Artist in Residence: University of Victoria/ Chelsea Blick Artist in Residence 2023/ Emily Harvey Foundation Artist in Residence, Venice, Italy 2023

Photo: Feb. 25, 2023, Legere in her studio in the Chelsea Arts District,- holding a 3-string "cigar box" guitar she made herself. 

Legere constructs sound-making instruments from found objects, sensors, and circuitry. She experiments with live composition at the intersection of installation, assemblage, and sculpture.  Legere constructed her iconic "Sneakers of Samothrace" - a wearable computer that makes sounds generated from the position of the feet. 

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