Phoebe Legere

Artist Statement


My transmedia art operates in the space between ecology, engineering, painting, drawing, sculpture, alternative energy, dramatic text, projected visuals, dance, trans-genre music, performance art, new technologies, film and sculptural costuming.

I am an interdisciplinary, two-spirit artist of Abenaki descent. I use Abenaki iconography and ancient indigenous stories to address contemporary issues.

I transgress the distinction between abstraction and representation/ male and female/spectacle and solitude/child and adult/sound and vision/science and spirituality.

I explore ways in which my Total Art Synthesis multidisciplinary art can have social impact. 

I invite community participation and engagement. 

I work in oil, experimental media, ink, resin, egg tempera, video, sound, and upcycled, repurposed materials.

My community service is an integral part of my artistic practice.