“Phoebe Legere is a transmedia artist. Her multi-format artworks issue from a powerful and intimate internal voice, reaching out to connect to being in all its multiplicitous forms.” From resident composer at the Wooster Group while still a teenager, to opening for David Bowie on his national tour, to a nomination for a Pulitzer for her work with Morgan Powell and the Cleveland Chamber Symphony, her existence infinitely incarnates artistic and human experience.” – The Brooklyn Rail

“Phoebe Legere is the female Frank Zappa...” Roman Kozack, Billboard

“A nonprofit organization founded by multidisciplinary artist Phoebe Legere, the Foundation for New American Art, provides free music and art classes to children in public schools, at which budgets for such programs are often lacking.Phoebe Legere colors kids lives through art and music…” - The Village Sun 

“Phoebe Legere, a name to conjure with...Witty, beautiful, multi-gifted, an American original and the most important thing to know is, she’s good.” – Studs Terkel, NPR

"Phoebe Legere's brand of articulate genius will have its day - the time is ripe for a legitimate, American original who has it all - beauty, brains, talent, sex appeal, and a giving heart... A brilliant songwriter.." - Where Magazine

"Phoebe Legere is one of the most, inspired and talented creative-supernovas on the planet...One of those rare luminous souls... beautiful, wickedly funny, anointed with wisdom, and her music possesses Native American mystical and healing qualities. like Billie Holiday or Jimi Hendrix or Miles Davis or Sun Ra..."  Dimitri Monroe,  Hits Magazine


"Gorgeous, blonde bombshell with a dynamite body, a magnificent voice, a wild sense of humor...(She is) an extremely intelligent Vassar graduate who can play four or five instruments and challenge every premise you might have about her as she zips through her set - her song selections are impeccably chosen.  (She has) a dazzling voice - a superb singer miles above most of the rock stars of today ...a comic mind...She turns excess and extravagance into an art form and anchors it with stunning simplicity. " New York Pos


"Musically Phoebe is as tremendous at the grand piano as she is on guitar and accordion...Her voice is rich and warm, she draws her audience in...We feel as if we get to know her quickly, ending the evening as firm fans if not friends..." Sydney Morning Herald


"Perfection's name is Phoebe. She is beautiful, talented and sexy.   A great singer whose voice knows few limits...her band is excellent..." Dan Aquilante, New York Post


" Legere is clearly ready for mainstream success. Legere's fine, four-octave voice easily goes from horn like contralto to crystal soprano. There's a winsome sweetness...and an aching, longing...rare originality and vitality..." Variety


"A charismatic showman who works the audience with the razor edged skill of a veteran comic poking, teasing, and caressing it with clever turns of phrase both musical and verbal...She plays the piano with enormous authority in a style that encompasses Chopin, blues, ragtime, bebop and beyond, and she brings to her vocal delivery a four and a half octave range, and an extraordinary palette of tonal color and meticulous phrasing. "

New York Times

An evocative blend of sexpot glamour, French insouciance, Bourbon St. bawdiness, and East Village hipness - she's got both body and soul. " Harper's Bazaar


" Phoebe Legere has the entire package. She's funny, smart and sexy.  Her music is a flamboyant, original assortment of American pop, Cajun, jazz and rock.."  Daily Trail, Vail, Colorado


"Legere restores, resists, deflects and reflects the caricature of women. With a gorgeous body, and enormous wit, she easily absorbs you into her unique brand of transcendence.... she is royalty in the clubs of Downtown NYC. " Lynne Lynn, Downtown Magazine


"Check out Phoebe Legere ...resembling Daryl Hannah, and with a body of death - she doesn't so much sing a song as inhabit it.... with a pure, remarkable four and a half-octave range..." New York Daily News 


"She is arresting... we like Phoebe" - The New Yorker


"Like Marylou Williams, she can maintain a rollicking left hand that segues easily from stride to boogie - woogie while tickling the piano's upper register into sublime submission.  Similarities to Jerry Lee Lewis are probably not impertinent either..." New York TImes


Sitting down at the grand piano Legere launched into a hard driving incredible boogie woogie...Phoebe Legere is a talent to be reckoned with...a sharp wit permeates her lyrics...Vocally Legere possess a powerful, precise 4 octave voice that is equally at home in the operatic style as it is singing lowdown blues...In two hours Phoebe Legere not only won a raft of new fans in Saratoga, she also demonstrated that talent, intelligence and sex appeal need not be mutually exclusive.  Beyond the obvious attributes, it's Legere's warmth and exuberance that will prompt us to watch for her return." Linda Ellingsworth, Saratoga Chronicle


"Decked out in pink-tipped python-skin shoes and a revealing, low-cut olive dress Legere struts and gyrates about  the stage like Mick Jagger, belting out sultry French chansons and avant pop ditties with authority and conviction. Legere is an expressive and versatile singer whose voice ranges from a dark and earthy alto to a gorgeous dazzling high soprano.... she combines intelligent lyrics and a fusion of French musette, Cajun, pop, rock and jazz into a stew  she calls, "roots alternative."-John Pitcher, Washington Post


"The Female Beethoven...a musical genius" Joey Arias, Paper Magazine


"Phoebe Legere's latest recording is an incisive critique of the role of contemporary culture in America in the form of a postmodern, urban opera. A dazzling, dizzying sound collage of sampled soundtracks, spoken word, composed melodies, sound effects, raps, electrobeats, and vocal and keyboard improvisations, it's a shimmering soundscape of a night spent downtown with Legere as tour guide...A tribute as much to the composer/vocalist/keyboardist's virtuosic talent as to her keen wit and intelligence, "Blue Curtain" surprises, shocks and entertains at every jagged turn. Simply put, it's as important a piece of music as you're likely to hear all year, or any year- Seth Rogovoy, The Berkshire Eagle


"Her beautiful voice, with its dazzling range and rich tones.... can take your breath away... she runs the gamut of music like a Marx brother crossing to stage left...", She's solidly based in her art and is a superb musician. "   New York Post


"Genius" Glenn O'Brian, Interview Magazine


"The sexiest accordionist on the planet..." TImeOut


"A serious gifted musician" The Music Paper

"At the heart of Phoebe's performance is a joyous celebration of woman...(She shows) effortless versatility...refreshing...a crystalline empathy. " South China Morning Post


"Fascinating...almost Sandy Dennyish,...spellbinding" Steve Morse,  Boston Globe